Torino Pro Medium Hard Palm Curve Wave Brush By Brush King – #1770-360 Curved Medium Hard Palm – Great for Wolfing – For 360 Waves
$25.00TORINO PRO #1770 – This 360 curve palm wave brush is a no handle medium hard brush. This brush is firm and it is the palm version of the TP450.
Use this brush if you plan on going on a major wolf or if you have real thick or coarse hair; this brush is not for fresh or low cuts. For reference, this brush is softer than the TP1780.
This brush is for anyone trying to get 360 waves and it is not recommended for long hair.This brush has nice long reinforced bristles which will go down to your scalp and give you the best pull.
Torino Pro Wave Brush #560 By Brush King – Medium Soft Curve 360 Waves Brush- Brush exclusively made for 360 waves
$26.99TORINO PRO #560 – Firmer than a Soft with Good Pull but Reaches Only the Top Layer; Does Not Reach the Scalp. Will Lay Down the Wolf, but Won’t Pull It. The TP560 is MUCH Softer than the TP620, Our Other Medium Soft Curve. Great for Fresh Cuts, Vertical Brushing, Polishing Waves, Laying Down Hair/Frizz, Thinning Hair and Tender Headed Wavers. The TP560 is Excellent for Finishing Off Brush Sessions (Brushes Used Right Before You Put Your Durag On). NOT FOR Long Hair.
DO YOU WANT WAVES WITH LESS EFFORT? TIRED OF SPENDING HOURS BRUSHING & SEEING NO PROGRESS? WHAT DO SOME RAPPERS, NBA PLAYERS & TOP YOUTUBE WAVERS HAVE IN COMMON? They all use Torino Pro Wave Brushes! Because they get great waves with less effort & see major progress in less time. Spend less time brushing & more time with your family while still seeing the progress you’ve been looking for in your waves. Aren’t you glad you found a brush that will make waving easier?
YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR: If Wave Brushes Can be Bought for $5-10 here on Amazon, Why is it that Torino Pro Brushes are Always Selling Out? Because Torino Pro Wave Brushes are of Superior Quality; My Bristles Won’t Lean, Which Means Faster Progress, Better Connections and the Best Pull. On Top of Being Specifically Designed for Waving, Torino Pro Brushes are Known for Their Exquisite Glossy Candy Paint Finish. Stop Cheating Yourself, Treat Yourself! Your Hair Deserves the Best, Period.